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The National Exercise of Clean Homeland” of the 2008 Clean Environment Maintenance and Evaluation Program

This project conducted comprehensive scheduled audits by riding bicycle to 25 cities/counties, 36 townships and 100 villages/boroughs. The audit covered a cleanness survey within 50 meters surrounding a public office building and the ability of the local government to promote clean environment exercise within its jurisdiction area to play a leading role in clean environment. Based on the audit results, the Environmental Protection Administration publicly announced and gave the year 2008 Clean Environment Awards to 24 cities/counties, 33 townships, and 90 villages/boroughs to distinguish their performance in environment cleaning. The project will ensure the local government leaders to take seriously the maintenance of environmental cleanness and to incorporate it into their long-term administrative policy. The project has also enhanced supervision on local environmental cleanness and maintenance regarding pollution citation, dirty spots elimination, clean beach and sewers, encouragement for pollution awareness, educational promotion and initiation of public participation by all people, etc. The project has consolidated the implementation of “Clean Up Taiwan Campaign” to achieve the objectives of “no garbage ”, “no dirty spots” and “enhanced living quality”.
Clean homeland,environmental cleanness,audit